Background Image


The Challenge

Azamrah are a charity youth organisation providing activities and occupations for local children.

Azamrah required an informative website where local parents and potential donors could find information about the programs as well an option to donate via the website.

What We Did

We added bright and friendly colours and a wavy feature throughout the siteย to bring out the fun times that Azamrah provides for local children.

The website provides all the information that both parents and donors would want to see in a clear and vibrant manner.

Colourful, Bright Design

Vibrant Layout

Clear Navigation

Inner Pages

Charity Website

Wordpress Build

Analytics integration

Security features

Recent Work

Marketplace Integration
Lead Gen 1-Page Website
Google Analytics
Wordpress Build
Marketplace Integration
Ecommerce Website
Google Analytics
Wordpress Build
Marketplace Integration
Ecommerce Website
Google Analytics
Wordpress Build
Marketplace Integration
Ecommerce Website
Google Analytics
Wordpress Build
Ecommerce Website
Wordpress Build
Google Analytics
Marketplace Integration
Business Website
Wordpress Build
Analytics integration
Branded Graphics
Landing Pages Design
Wordpress Build
Google Analytics
Business Website
Wordpress Build
Analytics integration
Custom Animations